English for Everyone

<b>English for Everyone</b>
Stephen Lau's website to help you get the wisdom to live as if everything is a miracle.

Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Choice of Words

In effective writing, choice of words plays a pivotal part. Always choose the right words to use, and not their confusing counterparts.

Precognition / Preconception

Precognition means knowledge that something is going to happen; preconception is forming an idea without any knowledge that something is going to happen.

e.g. The engineer had precognition that the machine would not last long.

e.g. You must have an open mind, and not preconception that you are not going to succeed.

Concise / Precise

Concise means short and clear; precise means exact in details.

e.g. Your explanation was brief but concise, and we all had an understanding of the situation we were in.

e.g. The measurements were precise, allowing no room no room for any error.

Access / Assess

Access means a way of entering or getting; assess means to calculate the value of something; 

e.g. All students should be given access to these text books.

e.g  The door is locked, and there is no other access to the house
e.g. The antique dealer is assessing the value of this piece of jewelry.

Condescend / Descend

Condescend means agree to do something below one's status or make one appear to be of a higher social rank than others; descend means come from a higher to a lower level.

e.g. The master of the house condescended to dine with his servants.

e.g. We descended the stairs.

Assign / Designate

Assign means to give as a share or for use; designate means to appoint

e.g. The guests were all assigned their rooms.

e.g. I have assigned a day next month for the meeting. 
e.g. I want to designate you to speak on my behalf if I am not back for the meeting.

Stephen Lau

Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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