English for Everyone

<b>English for Everyone</b>
Stephen Lau's website to help you get the wisdom to live as if everything is a miracle.

Friday, December 15, 2017

Words Easily Confused

Pundit: a scholar; a learned person.
e.g. My neighbor is a pundit he seems to know everything.
Punt: a flat-bottomed boar, moved by a long pole.
e.g. In Venice, people move around in punts.
Light: (as a verb) come across; happen to find.
e.g. I lighted upon a very interesting book in the library.
Lighten (as a verb) brighten up; make something less heavy.
e.g. Can you lighten the dark corridor?
e.g. Your financial support lightened my burden.
Neural: having to do with brain cells or nervous system.
e.g. My brother is a neural scientist.
Neutral: not helping or taking any side.
e.g. He remained neutral in this controversial issue.
Contrary: the exact opposite
e.g. You think I did not help him. On the contrary, I did everything I could to help him.
Contrast: comparison.
e.g. Contrast may make you see things very differently
Portend: foretell.
e.g. These minor quakes might portend a big earthquake in the near future.
Portent: a sign or warning; a marvelous thing in the future.
e.g. A bright future is your portent.
Contribution: donation; an act of helping and supporting.
e.g. Thank you for your contribution to the project.
Contrition: sincere sorrow for sin.
e.g. The convicted criminal showed contrition when he apologized to the family of the victim.
Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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