English for Everyone

<b>English for Everyone</b>
Stephen Lau's website to help you get the wisdom to live as if everything is a miracle.

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Learn Some Slang


Learn some slang and colloquial expressions everyday:

In all conscience
: No!

e.g. You cannot, in all conscience, ask him for money again. No way!

Even Stephen: fair shares.

e.g. Now I should get my even Stephen: you owe me $500.

That’s the ticket!: That is what is required.

e.g. “I’ve got it! At last, my first digital phone!” “That’s the ticket!

Can it!: Be quiet!

e.g. “That’s enough out of you. Can it!

Take it or leave it: That is all there is. You have no choice.

e.g. “I want an orange.” “We only have bananas; take it or leave it.”

Don’t you know it!: You’re exactly right!

e.g. “Man, is it freezing cold today!” “Don’t you know it!

Get my drift?: Do you understand what I’m getting at?

e.g. “I want to retire. Get my drift?“ “Sure.”

Tell me another: That’s a lie; that’s not true.

e.g. “I was late because the train broke down.” “Ch, come on! Tell me another.”

Give me a break!: Stop bothering me; give me another chance

e.g. “Can I bum a few bucks from you?” “Come on. Give me a break!”

e.g. “Sorry I messed it up. Can you give me a break?”

Hang a left: turn left.

e.g. Hang a left when you reach that intersection.

Act your age: Behave yourself according to your age.

e.g. You’re almost an adult. Come on, act your age, and stop behaving like a spoiled brat!

Go west: die.

e.g. When I go West, I don’t want a memorial service.

Thanks but no thanks
: I’m not interested.

e.g. “You want this cheesecake?” “Thanks but no thanks; I’m watching my weight.”

Go ahead: Please do it.

e.g. “I want to try this.” “Go ahead.”

Stephen Lau
Copyright© by Stephen Lau

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